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Le profilage de l'excellence

« Profiler l'excellence » est une nouvelle série d'entrevues passionnantes qui vise à mettre en valeur le talent profond de la communauté des relations gouvernementales et à partager les meilleures pratiques entre praticiens.

Profil d’excellence: Alain Madgin

Profil d’excellence: Alain Madgin

ALAIN MADGIN  Associé | TACTIX « Notre capacité d’établir la confiance entre un client et le consultant est primordiale et ce, afin de pouvoir agir dans des dossiers...

Profiling Excellence: Shaughn McArthur

Profiling Excellence: Shaughn McArthur

WILL SHELLING (he/him/his) Consultant principal | Counsel Public Affairs « Nous voyons aujourd'hui davantage de personnes au sein du conseil d'administration qui...

Profiling Excellence: Will Shelling

Profiling Excellence: Will Shelling

WILL SHELLING (he/him/his) Consultant principal | Counsel Public Affairs « Nous voyons aujourd'hui davantage de personnes au sein du conseil d'administration qui...

Profiling Excellence: Francesca Iacurto

Profiling Excellence: Francesca Iacurto

FRANCESCA IACURTO Vice-President, Communications and Advocacy The Conference for Advanced Life Underwriting Government relations should be thought of as a multidisciplinary...

Profiling Excellence: Garry Keller

Profiling Excellence: Garry Keller

GARRY KELLER Vice-President StrategyCorp “A lot of people who are generalists from the political world and who may be a bit fearful about transitioning into GR from...

Profiling Excellence: Sarina Rehal

Profiling Excellence: Sarina Rehal

SARINA REHAL Vice-President Crestview Strategy (Toronto office) “Many businesses underestimate the impact of government decision making on their bottom line.  At...

Profiling Excellence: Dave Carey

Profiling Excellence: Dave Carey

DAVE CAREY Vice-President, Government & Industry Relations Canadian Canola Growers Association “Since I left Parliament Hill, I’ve worked exclusively in agriculture...

Profiling Excellence: Genevieve Young

Profiling Excellence: Genevieve Young

GENEVIEVE YOUNG President & Chief Operating Officer | Global Public Affairs “It is important to continue to learn, hear from diverse perspectives, and constantly...

Profiling Excellence: George Wamala

Profiling Excellence: George Wamala

GEORGE WAMALA Director of Regulatory & Government Affairs | RBC WHAT LED YOU TO THIS ROLE? I took Commerce in university and studied finance, which was particularly...